Case Study
Beauty Education Business Grows from Side Hustle to Main Hustle
You’re ready to grow - and you know what you need to do… Sales strategy, financial plan, funnels, email marketing, marketing plan .. the list goes on BUT, you're just not sure how to implement it all …
Introducing The Skin Queen
Kelly's business started as a side hustle when she saw a gap in the education space within the professional beauty industry.
Having worked in the industry for over 5 years, she constantly had people asking her where she studied and how did she know so much. Alongside this she was repeatedly approached for help with Instagram marketing.
So, Kelly began her journey by creating a series of resources for beauty and skin clinics and slowly started to build a following. But she knew it could be SO much more!
The Problem
"Before I joined the Elevatory, I knew that I had potential to turn what I was doing into an actual online business & build a bigger audience, but I didn't know where to start at all."
"I was struggling a lot with imposter syndrome and feeling like, "who would buy from me?".
"All I knew was that I really wanted to grow my personal brand, help more people within the professional beauty industry & create an online business for myself where I could do what I'm passionate about every day."
Joining The Elevatory®
I was instantly drawn to The Elevatory after my first meeting with Anna as she had a process & strategies that worked across online, ecomm & bricks and mortar business which told me that they had great knowledge, experience & expertise with all things business processes! I am someone who loves processes & loves taking direction and this has been the perfect opportunity for me, I am so glad I took the leap!
Client Update 12 months in
Just a recap: In the first 6 months we built out the entire sales & marketing infrastructure for Kelly's business [website, funnels, emails & ads]. And by the end of the 6 months she started booking clients and making sales and was preparing to leave her job! [See her goals above]
Then three months later, Kelly:
- Launched a membership that had 30 paying members within its first month
- Grew her email list to 2500
- Grew her facebook group to over 1k members
- And she launched her signature program with 45 ladies signed up and $27,000 cash collected in a week!!
Now, a full year later - she's hit 6 figures!
Kelly's results are continuing to build with amazing momentum.
Her investment with The Elevatory is and will continue to compound.
From branding, to my website, to developing my offer, copywriting, marketing strategy & so much more, I've completely upped my game across all areas of my business since first joining The Elevatory just 6 months ago now!
Brand Position & Core Offer
When Kelly started with The Elevatory our first big step was to help her create a strong brand identity and clear position in her marketplace.
We needed to clarify who exactly Kelly was going to BE in the marketplace, who she would be serving, the specific problem(s) she was solving and how she would be solving them.
After extensive market research, a work through of her current offers and tapping into her big picture vision– we cemented our approach.
From there we set about reworking the copy for her entire website with a clear vison and mission at the core.
Our next step was to connect Kelly to one of our design partners who brought Kelly’s brand to life across all platforms whilst we dove into her marketing!
"I've had many achievements in a very short space of time, but I think the biggest one for me personally would have to be rebranding and creating an amazing website that I am so proud of! I feel so confident to promote & market myself because I know my brand reflects professionalism whilst still showcasing who I am!"
Sales Funnels
With our brand position and core offer clear – our focus then turned to building Kelly’s brand presence along with building out an automated lead flow to make sales and book clients.
To do this we mapped out and built out 3 Funnels with Kelly:
- A branding building funnel
- A list building funnel – which simultaneously sold low ticket resources
- And finally, a phone funnel – for her coaching services.
With the guidance of The Elevatory Marketing Coach Caroline and an extensive bank of resources in The Elevatory's database, Kelly then went on to set up and create her own Facebook & Instagram Ads campaigns to fill her funnels.
How has your email list grown?
"It's gone from 0 to over 150 in less than 3 weeks!"
How has website traffic grown?
"I've had nearly 2500 views in less than 3 weeks"
Increase in revenue YOY?
"Last year in total I did about $2100 and I've done nearly $1k in 3.5 weeks and counting... and that’s before I’ve taken any sales calls!"
The Future
I’m now knee deep in launch mode with the coaching team – as I work on my new Membership.
I’m seriously ready to go full-time in my business. This is it!!